Over the course of the pandemic, millions of people decided to make lemonade with the proverbial lemons handed to them and start their own small businesses. Budding entrepreneurs finally got the chance to chase their dreams and strike out on their own. As a result, there are many start-ups now needing...
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One of the first known examples of a multi-use building is Trajan’s Market. This was a multi-level structure with shops and apartments built around the year 110AD. Multi-use buildings were not seen much for a long time, until the 1900s when they became a lot more common across many cities...
Did you know that more than 4.3 million people in the US work remotely? As a business owner, the Covid-19 pandemic will have affected you and your business in many different ways. One of those is how your employees work. Many employees have started coming back into their workspaces,...